Saturday, October 31, 2015

IKEA LACK TABLES HACKS: how to transform a lack table into a shelf?

Hello everyone,

Aren’t you sick of buying again and again new furniture when you have a new need to fulfill? 
Well Victor and I decided to show you today how you can reuse your lack materials in order to make it a shelf! 

Shelf, episode 1:
As you can see, with 3 lack tables (the basic model) you can create a real big shelf that you can decorate with pictures of your loves on, flowers, woods figures, lamps, you get the idea ;). 
The big advantage with this shelf model is the openness. This model is an aerated structure and it will give a beautiful charm to the entire piece where it belongs!

What do you need? 
2, 3, 4 lack tables (depends on how high you want the table to be)
A few screws to fix every table legs

Shelf, episode 2:
These models are aimed at the one who always complain about not having enough space to store their stuffs (like books or even the charger or the computer). 
As you can see the advantage of these models is the space gain. From a little table, it’s now possible to store tons of books while keeping a nice table. 
For the second models, this genius hack was made possible by using several lack tables to store a DVD player, a Hi-Fi stereo etc. Again, here you’re the master, you can put your computer when you’re finish with it or even the games console!

What do you need?
For the first model, you’ll need 2 lack tables, a few screws and some metal bar to keep your stuff inside of the table!

For the second model, you’ll need as many lack tables as you have product to store in! You’ll need a few screws again and 4 wheels to make the table movable like in the example!

We hope you enjoyed this 2 little hacks!

Dont forget to read our review about the LACK table,

See you soon for other genius hacks!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Hello everyone,

If you haven"t read it yet, see our LACK table review by clicking on the link.

Here the first post about IKEA LACK table hacks.

I will start with easy and simple hacks!

So here are some hacks to make custom IKEA LACK table for our kids!

The first is The LEGO table!

This first hack come from the website :
It's a really simple and very useful hack!

What do you need?
4 Lego plates
1 rail (you can found 1at IKEA)
Containers that you can fix at the rail.

Only 2 easy steps to make this table:
- fix the rail on the side of the table (glue it or screw it depending on the rail you got)
- glue the 4 Lego plates on the top

And it's finish!!

The second hack is also really simple, we will call it The Chalkboard table!

We all know that chalkboard is a very good thing to make kids develop their imagination. But chalkboard are really expensive...
This hack will help you make your home chalkboard!!!

What do you need?
- Chalkboard sticker of the size of the table you chose (or bigger and then you cut it with a cutter)
-Pencil and measuring tape
-A bucket (i prefer metallic bucket for this table)
-A nice and sharp cutter

The steps:

-First of all use the measuring tape and your pencil to mark the middle of the table. 
-Draw a circle of the size of your bucket (the middle of the table will be the center of the circle). 
-Cut the top of the table with your cutter.
-Do the same thing with your chalkboard sticker (make sure that you male the hole at the same place than on the table).
-Put the chalkboard sticker on the table.
-Put the bucket on the hole

And it's done!

I hope you enjoyed this 2 little hacks!

See you soon for other genius hacks!!!!



If I asked you to give me the name of a product created by Ikea, the famous Swedish company, you would probably give me: desk arkelstorp, sofa cover vilasund or even the cushion cover kornfibbla, right? RIGHT?
Or…. which is the most realistic scenario, you would say the lack table.

Created a few years ago, this table available for only a few dollars will change your life. Let’s have a look around all the possibilities and the advantages you can get by choosing the Lack way.

The variety of model:
Who said that all Ikea furniture were the same? When you want to buy an Ikea table you have 7 different models in which you can pick up the one you want.

An unbeatable value:
If you don’t wish to invest hundreds of euros pour a lounge table, you will be amazed by the prices offered by the Swedish company!
Count £5 for the basic model and no less than £16 for the coffee table!
Who said equipping one’s salon was expensive?
Find the products here: LACK TABLE and LACK COFFEE TABLE

A range of aesthetics products:
More than the lightness of the tables, what will really ravish amateurs of Ikea’s lack tables is the design they have. The lack table is altogether rather simple but it will fit in every single piece of the house or the apartment. Either in the room or in the lounge room, your lack table will find a use while fully respecting the atmosphere of the piece.

And last but not least:
We discussed about the variety of models, the extremely low prices, the aesthetics side, the lightness, but did you know that lack tables may be personalized as desired?
Sometimes you can turn what is a perfectly ordinary product into something simply extraordinary by adding a few changes.
What if you could change your lounge table into a closet?
What if you could use that same table you’re having your coffee on into a game table for your children or into a work table?
Still interested? Let’s meet up for our following articles about simple and genius HACKS.

Don’t hesitate to post a comment to let us know your opinions on these tables!

See you soon!